

단축키 pdf 파일 :


affinity photo 단축키

Option Key
Command Key
Shift Key
Control KeyCtrl
Return Key
Alt KeyAlt

맥에서의 옵션키 사용

A note about using Alt on the Mac: It’s actually quite unusual to use the Alt command on the Mac, but it is used by Affinity Photo. There is no dedicated Alt key on the Mac, so you have to hold down the fn key and then press the Option () key. In the list of shortcuts, I will simply write Alt instead of fn + ⌥ because Mac keyboards have Alt marked on the top of the Option key in superscript to indicate this already.

Affinity Photo 단축키


편집 단축키

Resize DocumentAlt + Ctrl + I
Resize CanvasAlt + Ctrl + C
Select multiple⇧ + click
Select overlapping layer contentAlt + click
Reset Selection Box. (period)
Toggle Snapping;
Erase with Pixel Tool on current layerCtrl
Switch between Stroke/Fill (or Colour 1/Colour 2) colour selectors (Colour and Swatches panels)X
Swap Stroke/Fill (or Colour 1/Colour 2) colour selectors⇧ + X
Set No fill on Stroke/Fill (or Colour 1/Colour 2) colour selectors/ (International and selected keyboards only)
Toggle between Crop Tool overlaysO
Flip golden spiral overlay (crop tool enabled)⇧ + O
Modify attribute listed on a panel or dialogDrag attribute text label


Action (Transforming)PC
Rotate in 15° intervals⇧ + drag
Rotate around opposite cornerCtrl + drag
Cancel a sizing, moving, or creating operationesc
Resize from centreCtrl + drag from a corner handle
Mirror shearingCtrl + drag
Constrain movement horizontally, vertically or diagonally⇧ + drag
NudgingArrow keys
Nudging (10x measurement units)⇧ + arrow keys


벡터 그래픽 단축키

Vector-specific ShortcutsPC
Resize maintaining aspect ratio⇧ + drag from a corner handle
Edit curves as you draw using node editing (from pen)Ctrl
Creates cusp node (sharp corner)Alt + drag control handle
Snap a curve’s control handle to 45° intervals⇧ + drag control handle
Convert to CurvesCtrl + ↵


파일 단축키

New DocumentCtrl + N
New From ClipboardAlt + ⇧ + Ctrl + N
Open DocumentCtrl + O
Close Document/Close App (when no documents open)Ctrl + W
Switch Document/ViewCtrl + ⇥
SaveCtrl + S
Save As⇧ + Ctrl + S
ExportAlt + ⇧ + Ctrl + S
PrintCtrl + P


도구 단축키

Flood Fill Tool / Gradient cycleG
View ToolH
Move ToolV
Crop ToolC
Selection Tools cycleW
Pen and Node Tool cycleP
Zoom ToolZ
Clone ToolS
Shape Tools cycleU
Text Tools cycleT
Dodge, Burn and Sponge Brush Tool cycleO
Retouch Tools cycleJ
Painting Tools cycleB
Erase Tools cycleE
Marquee Selection Tools cycleM
Free Hand Selection ToolL


Action (Liquify Persona only)PC
Liquify Push Forward ToolP
Liquify Push Left ToolL
Liquify Twirl ToolT
Liquify Pinch ToolU
Liquify Turbulence ToolB
Liquify Mesh Clone ToolC
Liquify Reconstruct ToolR
Liquify Freeze ToolF
Liquify Thaw ToolW
Liquify Zoom ToolZ
Liquify View ToolH


Action (Develop Persona only)PC
Sampler ToolS
White Balance ToolW
Red Eye Removal ToolR
Blemish Removal ToolL
Overlay Paint ToolB
Overlay Erase ToolE
Overlay Gradient ToolG
Crop ToolC
Zoom ToolZ
View ToolH


Action (Export Persona only)PC
Slice ToolS
Layer Select toolL


Action (Panorama Persona only)PC
Transform Source Image ToolA
Add to Source Image Mask ToolL
Erase From Source Image Mask ToolU


Action (Tone Mapping Persona only)PC
View ToolH
Zoom ToolZ
Overlay Paint ToolB
Overlay Erase ToolE
Overlay Gradient ToolG


편집 단축키

UndoCtrl + Z
Redo⇧ + Ctrl + Z
Copy Merged⇧ + Ctrl + C
Paste Style⇧ + Ctrl + V
Paste FXAlt + Ctrl + V
Paste without FormatAlt + ⇧ + Ctrl + V
Paste InsideAlt + Ctrl + V
Fill⇧ + F5
InpaintAlt + ⇥


레이어 기능 단축키

Select All LayersAlt + Ctrl + A
GroupCtrl + G
Ungroup⇧ + Ctrl + G
DuplicateCtrl + J
InvertCtrl + I
Move to Front⇧ + Ctrl + ]
Move Forward OneCtrl + ]
Move to Back⇧ + Ctrl + [
Move Back OneCtrl + [
New Layer⇧ + Ctrl + N
Merge DownCtrl + E
Merge Selected⇧ + Ctrl + E
Merge VisibleAlt + ⇧ + Ctrl + E
Toggle between Frequency Separation layersF


Action (Live projection only)PC
Edit Live ProjectionCtrl + Alt + P


브러시 단축키

Picks up a new brush colour with colour pickerAlt + drag
Picks and applies the colour under the cursorAlt + Ctrl + click
Change selected layer content/brush tool’s opacitynumeric keys (4=40%, 43=43%, etc.)
Increase/decrease brush width (Photo and Liquify Personas)] [
Decrease/increase brush width with on-screen readoutAlt + right button down + drag (left/right)
Decrease/increase brush hardness with on-screen readoutAlt + right button down + drag (up/down)
Draw straight line connecting two strokes⇧ + click


텍스트 단축키

Bigger textCtrl + >
Smaller textCtrl + <
Precise bigger textAlt + Ctrl + >
Precise smaller textAlt + Ctrl + <
TightenAlt + ←
LoosenAlt + →
Tighten MoreAlt + ⇧ + ←
Loosen MoreAlt + ⇧ + →
BoldCtrl + B
ItalicCtrl + I
UnderlineCtrl + U
Show CharacterCtrl + T
Show Typography⇧ + Ctrl + T
SuperscriptCtrl + Alt + +
SubscriptCtrl + Alt + –
Align LeftCtrl + Alt + L
Align RightCtrl + Alt + R
Align CentreCtrl + Alt + C
Justify Left⇧ + Alt + Ctrl + \
Increase Paragraph LeadingAlt + ↓
Decrease Paragraph LeadingAlt + ↑
Precise Paragraph Increase Leading⇧ + Ctrl + ↓
Precise Paragraph Decrease Leading⇧ + Ctrl + ↑
Raise BaselineAlt + ⇧ + ↑
Lower BaselineAlt + ⇧ + ↓
Precise Raise BaselineAlt + ⇧ + Ctrl + ↑
Precise Lower BaselineAlt + ⇧ + Ctrl + ↓
Special CharactersCtrl + Alt + Spacebar
Spelling Options⇧ + Ctrl + ;
Line BreakCtrl + ↵
Non Breaking SpaceAlt + Spacebar
En DashAlt + –
Em DashAlt + ⇧ + –


보기 단축키

Zoom InCtrl + +
Zoom OutCtrl + –
Zoom to FitCtrl + 0
(Zoom to) 100%Ctrl + 1
(Zoom to) 200%Ctrl + 2
(Zoom to) 400%Ctrl + 3
(Zoom to) 800%Ctrl + 4
(Zoom to) Actual SizeCtrl + 8
(Zoom to) Pixel SizeCtrl + 9
Hot key panningSpacebar
Hot key zoom inSpacebar + Ctrl
Hot key zoom outSpacebar + Alt + Click
View ToolH
Scroll vertically up/downMouse scroll wheel
Scroll horizontally left/right⇧ + Mouse wheel
Toggle Full Screen
Switch between viewsCtrl + ⇥
Show RulersCtrl + R
Show GuidesCtrl + ;
Show GridCtrl + ‘
Grid Plane cycle
Split View cycle (Liquify/Develop Persona),

픽셀 선택 / 마스크 단축키

Select AllCtrl + A
DeselectCtrl + D
Invert Pixel Selection⇧ + Ctrl + I
Add to selection (Marquee/Free hand selection tools only)Ctrl
Remove from selection
Grow/ShrinkCtrl + B
Feather⇧ + F6
Refine EdgesCtrl + Alt + R
Move selection in 1-pixel incrementsarrow key
Move selection in 10-pixel increments⇧ + arrow key
Selection from layerCtrl + click layer thumbnail or O
Selection from layer luminosity⇧ + Ctrl + click layer thumbnail
Polygon selection (Freehand Selection Tool only)⇧ + Ctrl + click on page.
Quick MaskQ
Invert MaskCtrl + I


작업공간 단축키

Show/Hide Studio (panels)⇧ + Ctrl + H
Show/Hide ToolbarAlt + Ctrl + T
Toggle UI
Hide WorkspaceCtrl + H

조정과 필터 단축키

Levels (Adjustment)Ctrl + L
HSL (Adjustment)Ctrl + U
Invert (Adjustment)Ctrl + I
Curves (Adjustment)Ctrl + M
Black and White (Adjustment)Alt + ⇧ + Ctrl + B
Repeat FilterCtrl + F


리퀴파이(픽셀유동화) 단축키

Mask AllCtrl + D
Invert MaskCtrl + I
Clear MaskCtrl + A


기타 단축키

PreferencesCtrl + ,
Liquify PersonaAlt + Ctrl + L
Export PersonaAlt + Ctrl + E
Develop PersonaAlt + Ctrl + R
Hide Others (applications)Alt + Ctrl + H
Media BrowserAlt + Ctrl + M



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