paint shop photo pro x3 체험버전
X3버전 다운로드
~tp:// (x6으로 바꿔치기 되어있슴)
패치및 업데이트
p:// <= 이런식
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SP3 -
SP4 -
SP5 -
중국에서 받기 리테일버전
corel paintshop photo pro x3 ultimate retail (버그가 있슴 비추)
1. Download the Clean up Utility in order to remove PSP X3 from here:
암호 jjangfree
and let it run after the download has finished.
2. Go to Start – Control Panel – Folder options - View
and activate “Show hidden Files and Folders”.
3. Go to:
C:\Program Files and open the folder "Installshield Installation Information" and delete all folders inside.
This could end in tears, because lots of different software installs sub folders in this one, and deleting everything could lead to uninstall problems with totally unrelated software. If your really kinky about recovering disc space after installing PSPX3, then by all means have a look in these folders, and youll find info as to the parent program that placed it there. The"ini" files usually have clues to its parent. If you find theres a folder relating tp X3 after an uninstall then by all means delete it, but not everything before you start.
I you run revo first, then search for anything X3 related (registry and files system), you should get anything that matters.
4. Go to
C:\Program Files
and delete the folders "Corel" and "Ulead Systems"
Go to
C:\ProgramData\Corel (Vista/Windows 7)
and delete the folder "Corel" (respectively "Paint Shop Photo Pro", "Messages" and "Ulead Systems")
XP: Go to
C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR USERNAME\Application Data
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\
Vista/Windows 7: Go to
C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\
C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Local\
and delete the folder "Corel" (resp. "Paint Shop Photo Pro" and "Messages")
Go to
XP: C:\My Documents
Vista/Windows 7: C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Documents\
and delete "My Corel-Shows" and "My PSP Files"
5. Registry
Every program leaves keys in the Registry which need to be removed. Before you work in the registry, please make a backup copy by export the Registry first. If you make a mistake, then you can import the registry again.
Attention: If you have several Corel programs on your machine, please make sure that you carry out all the following instructions only for the program that you wish to remove.
Go to Start – Run and type “regedit” and press “Enter”.
If you work with Vista/Windows 7, type “regedit” in the Search box and press “Enter”.
Open the following keys:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ and delete the folder "Corel"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ and delete the folder "Ulead Systems" or
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ulead Systems\ and delete the folder "Corel PaintShop Photo Pro"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ and delete the folder "Corel"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ and delete the folder Ulead Systems or
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Ulead Systems\ and delete the folder "Corel PaintShop Photo Pro"
Close the Registry
6. Launch (reboot) the computer as administrator and disable antivirus software. Now, install PSP X3 again.
Before installing, disable the Firewall and Antivirus software